United Women in Faith

Thank you to all who contributed to the Emma Norton Services mission raffle and donations.

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Item drop off times:
Sunday, June 16 - 8:30-noon
Mon-Tues, June 17 & 18 - 1:00-4:00 pm
Wed-Thurs, June 19 & 20 - 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

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“Happy Hearts” Quilt Raffle May/June 2 Emma Norton Restoring Waters - Open!

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Life is full of Possibilities. United Women in Faith of Northfield UMC has one for you.

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United Women in Faith of Northfield UMC has a full schedule in 2024. Everyone is invited to be a part.

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United Women in Faith support “Resolution to Engage Minnesota UMC in Alleviating Hate Crimes” (here abbreviated)...

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Curling up in a comfy chair with a good book is a special winter activity for me to do.

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Ms. Vonner joined the organization’s national staff in 2010 as Assistant General Secretary of Membership and Leadership Development.

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A message from Sally Vonner, CEO of United Women in Faith.

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Calling all Crafters! On December 3rd we will be having a Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale.

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We Believe Love in Action can change the world!
So we put a face on why we work for Jesus.

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Thank You! Mission Rummage Sale a Success!

It does take a congregation to complete a successful Mission Rummage Sale.

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Invitation to the Young Women of NUMC (a fluid set of ages around 30-55)

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December 12, 2022 - Meets at Kildahl Park Pointe, 888 Cannon Valley Drive

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Don’t throw away cancelled postage stamps! Turn those stamps into cash for mission.

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Sunday, November 20, 2022
Bidding 8:00 to 11:30 AM
Pick-up after 12:00 PM

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Meets monthly at 3:00pm at Northfield UMC, Fellowship Hall

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Meets at 9:00 AM at Northfield UMC, Library room. March through November.

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November 14, 2022 - Meets at Kildahl Park Pointe, 888 Cannon Valley Drive

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Tuesdays – weekly – based on Sunday’s scripture readings

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WHO CAN WE BE TOGETHER? It takes a congregation for a successful mission response.

Ladies! Are you feeling the urge to meet, greet, and network with other ladies at Northfield UMC? Has God touched you to take action on something He is calling you to do? Is your soul yearning for something but you know not what? United Women in Faith would be open to planning programs or even starting a grouping of younger women of the church at a time, place, with interests you have.


United Women in Faith want to meet women of different generations where they are in their lives; and to consciously build connections/relationships with each other. We will help find other ladies in church to make those connections. Begin by meeting at church coffee time with someone you do not know. We strive to help make Northfield UMC a place of hospitality and inclusion. All women are invited to meet in groups of like interests and faith formation. We have Esther Circle and Mugs and Muffins who have standing invitations to join them. There is a women’s Bible study and a women’s sewing/quilting group. See yourself in a different group of ladies but do not know how to make it happen? Contact Catherine Williams, UWF president, Pastor Rachel, or anyone on the UWF Executive Board. Lin Wolf, Lynn Gryc, Thalia Duffield, Dorothy Orde, Linda Betzold to name a few.

Vision Statement

United Women in Faith Vision Statement: “United Women in Faith (United Methodist Women) seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.” Christian spiritual formation: UWF is developing Soul Retreats and Mission U studies for mind, body, and spirit renewal. We need to take care of ourselves to better care for others. Education: The Reading Program and Gathering programs on a District/Conference level keep us informed on what is happening and changing in the world. Creative Fellowship: There are no limits on where and how we gather to meet others and take action on God’s work. Leadership Development: We provide training for all ladies to develop your self-confidence in supporting your call to do God’s work. We can help you put “Words into Action!”
