United Women in Faith News

Restoring Waters Seeks Art Supplies. The nonprofit Art to Change the World is bringing art classes to Restoring Waters residents. Some of the art materials not used at the retreat will be donated to Emma Norton Residence for their art classes. The list was in last month’s newsletter. Bring to box at church. Questions contact Catherine Williams cwilliamsteacher303@gmail.com
Ladies Day Apart – Saturday, October 12, 2024 at River Bend Nature Center, Faribault, MN, was a colorful, relaxing day. The trees were a gorgeous golden hue interspersed with greens and reds. The nature walk was an exhilarating countryside trek watching the robins, hearing chickadees, listening to the crunch of leaves beneath our feet.
Pastor Donna high lighted the spirituality of the water of life, starting with the power water has on the hardness of rocks. We shared the sharp places in our lives contrasted with the smooth places as we held rocks with sharp corners and smooth places. We ended with baptism retrieving shells in water.
Lisa Weis kept us laughing and giggling, lifting our spirits even more. Joyce Lindquist facilitated the art table. We appreciated her willingness to share her skills. Dorothy Orde shared the beautiful quilt made from the “Boys of the Bible” quilt. Some did quilt tying. Dorothy announced “We have made our goal of 30 quilts for Christmas Joy!!!”
Rev Jerad Morey started out by giving some history of Forest Therapy from Japan. We then went to heightened senses in the forest by smelling burning smoke, tasting the wind, feeling the air on the body, seeing the textures of the forest. The colors were gorgeous. On a short walk we tuned in to movement of anything around us. We gathered only to be sent off to find a tree calling each of us to discover what it had to teach us. The time ended with a tea ceremony. The tea was hot water steeped with black raspberry leaves collected on site.
Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale December 1, 2024 – We welcome the creations of Men, Women, and younger crafters to fill out the offerings for this sale. Keep the buzz going! Questions? Call or email Lin Wolf – 612-532-1467 or lin_wolf@charter.net Bring your craft offerings to Lin when done.
Spend some time reading the great books in the UWFaith reading library. Find them on the cart to the left in our church library. Children’s books are there, and some are great for youth readers, too.