Pastors’ Parfait PartaY!

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Start the Conversation

Tongue-tied when your kids ask you what the Bible says about. . .anything? You are not alone. In January, we will have the first of an occasional series of Bible studies for adults following the Super Wednesday meal in the reception room. We will tackle the most awkward subject first: sex.

Join Pastor Rachel and others each Wednesday in January to dive into the text and historical context of biblical attitudes toward sexuality as part of the human experience. We will gather in the reception room at 6:30pm.

Martin Luther King Jr Day

The annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day community celebration will take place on Monday, January 18, 2016. It will be held at Emmaus Church, 712 N. Linden Street from 7:00pm-8:15pm. The focus this year will be on The Color of Unity. Dr. King said "We must live together as brothers or perish together as fools." This event is free and open to all. Everyone in the community is encouraged to attend.