Men's Ministry Meeting

We have a signature men's ministry, the Men's Breakfast, wherein men take turns providing breakfast for the gathered group in the Fellowship Hall 6:30am every Friday morning. This time of fellowship is invaluable and even draws men from beyond our congregation.

Yet there are men for whom 6:30am on a weekday is a participation barrier. If you are interested in imagining other men's ministries at Northfield, please join with us at the church on Sunday, April 17, at 7:00pm.

Revisioning Youth Ministries

We are beginning an intentional process to discern how God is calling us to be in ministry to, with, and by way of our youth in our congregation. We invite all parents, youth, and committed volunteers to the kickoff for this process on April 10th, 6-8pm in the fellowship hall. We will begin with research, narrow the questions, and the evening will end with an opportunity to continue the work in task force format. The intent is that our work will guide the structure of our youth program beginning September 2016.