Worship 7/14/2024

Stranger & Neighbor
Luke 10:25-37
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Celebration of Holy Communion
United Women in Faith Sunday
Guest Speaker Shawna Nelsen-Wills

Micah 6:6-8, Mark 3:1-6
Guest Preacher, Dana Houck

The Life of Discipleship: Reflections on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Matthew 5:13-16
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Call to Discipleship: Reflections on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Mark 2:13-17
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Celebration of Holy Communion
Nehemiah: What is your great work?
Nehemiah 3:1-2, 12; 4:1-3; 6:1-4
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Nehemiah: Cry of the Soul
Nehemiah 1:1-11
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Guest Preacher Cynthia Wilson
President NAACP, Minneapolis Branch

Living into the Light
Isaiah 60:1-6
Pastor Will Healy

Celebration of Holy Communion
Matthew 2:1-12
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Lord Is Come
Isaiah 40:9-11
Pastor Richard Waters

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

The Cast of Christmas: The Stablehand
Luke 2:1-7
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Cast of Christmas: Mary
Luke 1:39-55
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Cast of Christmas: John
Luke 3:1-6
Pastor Donna Dempewolf