Worship 2/28/2021

Building Closed

The church building is closed March 5, 2025, following our building closure policy that the building is closed when Northfield Public Schools are closed due to the weather.

KC3, Super Wednesday, community dinner, and Ash Wednesday service are cancelled.



Celebration of Holy Communion
United Women in Faith Sunday
Guest Speaker Shawna Nelsen-Wills

Micah 6:6-8, Mark 3:1-6
Guest Preacher, Dana Houck

The Life of Discipleship: Reflections on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Matthew 5:13-16
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Call to Discipleship: Reflections on Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Mark 2:13-17
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Celebration of Holy Communion
Nehemiah: What is your great work?
Nehemiah 3:1-2, 12; 4:1-3; 6:1-4
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Nehemiah: Cry of the Soul
Nehemiah 1:1-11
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Guest Preacher Cynthia Wilson
President NAACP, Minneapolis Branch

Living into the Light
Isaiah 60:1-6
Pastor Will Healy

Celebration of Holy Communion
Matthew 2:1-12
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Lord Is Come
Isaiah 40:9-11
Pastor Richard Waters

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

The Cast of Christmas: The Stablehand
Luke 2:1-7
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Cast of Christmas: Mary
Luke 1:39-55
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

The Cast of Christmas: John
Luke 3:1-6
Pastor Donna Dempewolf

Wednesday, December 4 - 6:30 pm
Hanging of the Greens