Worship 3/9/2025

Transfiguration Sunday
Mark 9:2-9
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Celebration of Holy Communion
Mark 1:29-34
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Mark 1:21-28
Rev. Jerad Morey

Mark 1:14-20
Rev. Jerad Morey

Mark 1:12-13
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Celebration of Holy Communion
Mark 1:4-11
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Find the funeral service for Marvin Petersen here.

Luke 2:22-40
Rev. Dick Waters

Christmas Eve Worship
Luke 2:1-20
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

3rd Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 61:1-11
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Children’s Christmas Pageant

2nd Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 40:1-11
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Celebration of Holy Communion
Isaiah 64:1-9
Rev. Jerad Morey

Annual decoration of the sanctuary and household blessings

Reign of Christ Sunday
Matthew 25:31-46
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey

Thanksgiving Sunday
Matthew 25:14-30
Rev. Rachel McIver Morey