Rummage Sale: Success!

Thank You! Mission Rummage Sale a Success!

It does take a congregation to complete a successful Mission Rummage Sale.

It was heartwarming to see so many of you responding to the need for sale items and for your help during the set up and sale. Thank you to groups who made changes in space and schedules such as the Rotary, Retired Men’s Breakfast, youth, and others affected by the special needs the sale presented.

White Allyship

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey defines an antiracist ally as “someone actively making choices to challenge the systems of racism that all of our lives are embedded in and that are embedded in all of our lives.”

Mission Sewing: July 2023

Mission Sewing is busy getting quilts finished so we will be able to donate many different places. Some of the places we donate to are Masonic Children’s Hospital, Emma Norton Services, Operation Joy.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, July 26th to tie quilts. We meet at 9AM in Room 120.

We always welcome new members.