“Happy Hearts” Quilt Raffle May/June 2 Emma Norton Restoring Waters - Open!
United Women in Faith : Meeting Dates
May 6, 2024 – UWF Executive Board meeting – 3:00 Fellowship Hall
May 12, 2024 - UWF Sunday - Rev. Donna Buell speaking
May 13, 2024 - Esther Circle – 1:00 PM Kildahl Park Pointe, 888 Cannon Valley Drive, Northfield, MN
May 20, 2024 - Mugs and Muffins – Church Library – 9:00 AM
UWFaith Happy Hearts Quilt Raffle
UWFaith has a goal of $750 for Emma Norton’s operating budget this year. How can you help? Donations to our quilt raffle!
Quilt Raffle Tickets: $2 for one ticket or $5 for three tickets. Tickets will be sold starting May 5th through June 2nd. Drawing is after worship June 2nd.
Restoring Waters building is OPEN!!! Residents are moving in.
Restoring Waters & Nellie Francis Court Grand Opening and Open House - May 14, 2024 Open House and tours of Restoring Waters 4:30-7:00 PM. Location: 801 Mount Curve Blvd., St. Paul, MN.
To purchase tickets visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/restoring-waters-nellie-francis-court-gran…
Restoring Waters will provide stability, growth, and healing to 60+ individuals and small families who have experienced homelessness. Nellie Francis Court will provide 75 apartments for low-income working individuals and families.
Tours of Restoring Waters begin in the lobby (4:30) and continue every 15 minutes with the last tour at 6:45 PM. Tours run approximately 20 minutes.
Alex Dalbey-Thomas communications specialist for Emma Norton Services says “Restoring Waters isn’t just a new and bigger building for Emma Norton residents and staff; it’s built specifically with trauma-informed design. Restoring Waters will have a designated space for a Living Room model. This means dignity and independence for residents, safety and privacy, inviting spaces and a sense of stability and security for everyone who walks through the doors.”
Each resident will have their own individual space with cooking facilities, bed, and a bathroom. If a woman is pregnant, the baby may stay with her in her private space.
Emma Norton Residence, Restoring Waters, capital campaign is in full swing. You are called to help lift the response over the top. Contact Shawna Nelsen-Wills, Advancement Dir. at snelsen@emmanorton.org or call 651-251-2632.
Alliance Stamp Ministry: All types of cancelled postage stamps and Stamp collections are accepted. Put them in the box in Fellowship Hall. This is an ongoing ministry.