UWF - “Happy Hearts” Quilt Raffle May/June 2
Life is full of Possibilities. United Women in Faith of Northfield UMC has one for you. Picture yourself under the cozy, vibrant, Queen sized “Happy Hearts” quilt.
Dorothy Orde has lovingly pieced a quilt top of happy hearts. Marcia Spiker, from Faribault, has quilted it. Raffle tickets for “Happy Hearts” quilt go on sale May 5th and continue through the month of May! Raffle is open to friends and neighbors. Drawing will be after worship June 2nd.
UWFaith has a goal of $750 for Emma Norton’s operating budget this year. How can you help? Donations to our quilt raffle! Quilt Raffle Tickets: $2 for one ticket or $5 for three tickets.
All interested are invited to: April 8, 1:30 PM: Esther Circle. Interested in learning about HOPE Center? Executive Director, Erica Staab-Absher speaking the second Monday in April. Meet us at: Kildahl Park Pointe – 888 Cannon Valley Drive, Northfield, MN. If not a circle member, let Catherine know you are coming so we can plan accordingly. Cwilliamsteacher303@gmail.com
Palm Sunday Bake Sale – March 24 –A thank you to all that baked, worked on, and purchased baked goods during the UWFaith Bake Sale. A new year’s budget begins with mission in mind. Your support is greatly appreciated. The more we work together, the more we can get done.
Emma Norton Residence, Restoring Waters, capital campaign is in full swing. You are called to help lift the response over the top. Contact Shawna Nelsen-Wills, Advancement Dir. at snelsen@emmanorton.org or call 651-251-2632.
Alliance Stamp Ministry: All types of cancelled postage stamps and Stamp collections are accepted. Put them in the box in Fellowship Hall. This is an ongoing ministry.