UWF--Palm Sunday Bake Sale March 24
United Women in Faith of Northfield UMC has a full schedule in 2024. Everyone is invited to be a part of our mission fundraising and women’s networking events.
Wanting to be more involved in God’s work in Northfield? In Minnesota? In the world? Northfield’s United Women in Faith has a place for your compassionate heart, and hands and feet for Jesus. UWFaith Executive Board needs your ideas. First Monday of each month at 3:00 PM in NUMC FH. Questions? Contact Catherine Williams, cwilliamsteacher303@gmail.com or call 507-301- 5865-leave a message. Please mark your calendars and help wherever you can.
Calendar of Events this 2024 - All caring souls are needed to help with any UWFaith event.
March 24, 8:30 AM - Palm Sunday Bake Sale
April 8, 1:30 PM - Esther Circle invites everyone interested in learning about HOPE Center - Executive Director, Erica Staab-Absher speaking. Meet us at: Kildahl Park Pointe – 888 Cannon Valley Drive, Northfield, MN.
May - “Happy Hearts” Quilt raffle – Open to congregation and others. Proceeds will go to Emma Norton Residence operating fund.
June 2 - Drawing for “Happy Hearts” quilt raffle.
June 19-22 - Mission Rummage Sale - Set-up – Sale – and take down.
August 18-September 8 - Apple Pie Sale – Depends on apple harvest and available helpers.
September 21 - Saturday Pie Making Day – United Women in Faith members need assistance of our younger members from the congregation to complete this project. We cannot do it without more helping hands.
October 12 - Ladies Retreat at River Bend Nature Center – A rejuvenating time for mind, body, and spirit is planned for up to 40 women from NUMC and friends. More information to follow.
December 1 - Bake Sale and Home Spun Holiday Bazaar.
Palm Sunday Bake Sale – March 24 –An all call for bakers. Bring items to the church at 8:30 AM to be priced and set out. Sale starts at 9:00 AM, continues through the morning. Purchase items for your Easter celebrations. Proceeds go toward UWFaith budget. Questions? Contact Catherine Williams.
Emma Norton Residence, Restoring Waters, capital campaign is in full swing. There is a need for $1 million yet to be raised to complete the project. You are called to help lift the response over the top. Contact Shawna Nelsen-Wills, Advancement Dir. at snelsen@emmanorton.org or call 651-251-2632.
Alliance Stamp Ministry: All types of cancelled postage stamps and Stamp collections are accepted. Put them in the box in Fellowship Hall. This is an ongoing ministry.