UWF Revised Social Principles-Hate Crimes

United Women in Faith support “Resolution to Engage Minnesota UMC in Alleviating Hate Crimes” (here abbreviated)
Whereas the United Methodist Revised Social Principles (for approval at General Conference 2024) states:
“We condemn racism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and any ideology or social practice based on false and misleading beliefs or ideologies that one group of human beings is superior to all other groups of human beings. Additionally, we utterly reject laws, policies and social practices that marginalize, discriminate and/or encourage the use of violence against individuals, communities or other social groups based on perceived racial, ethnic or tribal differences.
“We call on congregations and on pastors, bishops, and other church authorities to educate themselves about the root causes and manifestations of racism, ethnocentrism, and tribalism within communities of faith and to develop strategies for overcoming these kinds of social divisions. We likewise urge governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to renounce statements, policies, and actions aimed at promoting exclusion, discrimination and violence.”
Be it further the resolved that Minnesota Conference of the United Methodist Church work with the General Board of Church and Society, the General Board of Global Ministries, and United Women in Faith on this concern.
Be it further the resolved that Minnesota Conference of the United Methodist Church call on its congregations to commit to two or more of the following actions:
• Participate in studies that build understanding of the systemic nature of racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of marginalization.
• Enter into dialogue and action, speaking out for compassion and against hate.
• End complicity with hate by speaking out whenever jokes, disparagements, and stereotypes are based on difference.
• Create opportunities to hear from excluded groups about the reality and impact of hate and partner with them to act for justice.”
Are you ready to join us in these resolutions?
Emma Norton Residence, Restoring Waters, capital campaign is in full swing. There is a need for $1 million yet to be raised to complete the project. You are called to help lift the response over the top. Contact Shawna Nelsen-Wills, Advancement Dir. at snelsen@emmanorton.org or call 651-251-2632.
Holiday Bazaar and Bake Sale - December –Thank you to all the bakers and craft makers that contributed their talents to a successful Holiday Bazaar. Proceeds helped UWFaith contributed $500 to toddler’s play time and $700 to the Wednesday afternoon bus for K3C kids. Plan ahead to 2024. Questions? Call or email Lin Wolf – 612-532-1467 or lin_wolf@charter.net