Rummage Sale: Success!
Thank You! Mission Rummage Sale a Success!
It does take a congregation to complete a successful Mission Rummage Sale.
It was heartwarming to see so many of you responding to the need for sale items and for your help during the set up and sale. Thank you to groups who made changes in space and schedules such as the Rotary, Retired Men’s Breakfast, youth, and others affected by the special needs the sale presented.
All your efforts contributed to a $2,017 sale. This goes a long way to supporting women, children and youth here in Northfield, Minnesota, and in the world. When you work the sale and other events you are working for others. Northfield United Women in Faith maintains a yearly budget of about $6,600.
Your work supports our own children and youth at NUMC through giving $1200 to the programing, trips, and bus rental. Your work enhances the community by $600 through our support of CAC programs (food shelf, operation backpack, and Christmas Joy). NUMC Mission sewing is included.
We are strong supporters of Emma Norton Services, a UWF national program here in St. Paul, Minnesota. We have given special gifts through a shower of cleaning supplies and welcome basket gifts. Northfield’s UWF budget includes a $750 donation to Emma Norton Services and an added donation to the capital campaign for the new building. Over 90 national programs are supported by the national arm of United Women in Faith.
Northfield supports the National UWF with a pledge of $2,785. Through this we give a helping hand to thousands of marginalized, hurting, and poor women, children, and youth in over 20 other countries. National supports scholarships for many that would not have the funds to go to school in third world countries as well as here in the US. You can always do more together than individually.
Response magazine, found on our Reading Program cart in the library, is the UWF resource of information on areas receiving monies. A National Annual Report can be found on their website: Lin Wolf, NUWF treasurer, has a copy of our local budget. When working for others, put a face in front of you.
My face is a Haitian woman holding two of her children out of the water raging through her hut during a hurricane in the late 1990’s. United Methodist Women changed her life. Your work does that today.
United Women in Faith July Meeting Dates:
UWF Executive Board no meeting in July
Note Date! September 11, 2023 - Esther Circle – 1:00 PM
Kildahl Park Pointe, 888 Cannon Valley Drive, Northfield, MN
Mugs and Muffins – July 17, 2023 – 9:00 AM - Northfield UMC church library
Website: – National UWFaith – Minnesota UWFaith
Apple Pie Sale
Apple Pie Sale will begin in mid August. Pie making on September 12.
Pick up on September 17.
Alliance Stamp Ministry
All types of cancelled postage stamps & Stamp Collections are accepted. Put them in the box in Fellowship Hall. This is an ongoing ministry.