IT Tech Corner - Asking For Help

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. Put it another way. It’s good to ask for help. We encourage our children to raise a hand in the classroom and ask questions about the subject being taught. What an opportunity it is to learn from the expert. My job as IT Tech Consultant is to maintain the church equipment, run the Sunday morning broadcast, keep up the website, and generally support various technogizmos in the church. While I may be the one pushing buttons on the switcher and crawling under desks attaching wires and plugging in cables to send signals from one device to another, I rarely do it all alone. I love having help on Sunday mornings running the sound booth and I so appreciate people filling in when I’m away. (Thanks Goodwins!)
Other examples of obtaining help from the past week include: I called a friend in Pittsburgh with questions about a camera, I took a laptop to Aldrich for a second opinion when the machine failed to start, and I read several reviews and online opinions of a set of speakers before making a recommendation on their use, or avoidance thereof.
I’m happy to help out when I can, and I’m always grateful for the help I receive from others