IT Tech Corner News
It’s almost the new year again and it’s time to check in on how you did last year. When I evaluate something I like to look back on how successful it was last time or how stressed out it made me feel and I vow to make it more successful or less stressful this time around.
Last year I asked you to clean out your email inbox. Just because email messages don’t stack up on the dining room table doesn’t mean they don’t take up space. They occupy virtual file space and can reach a limit, like the 15GB in a typical Gmail account (I’m only at 14.1GB, so, totally ok still.) Email messages also occupy your headspace and pile up in your brain, potentially consuming your thoughts or slowly driving you down Stress Street until you finally reply 2 weeks later.
Some messages are simply an FYI and warrant a simple reply of thanks or acknowledgement. Others should be deleted immediately after reading (this message will self-destruct, to save me the time of hitting the delete key.)
It is OK TO DELETE MESSAGES. Even on accident. If it’s important, the sender will call you or mail you a letter to follow up on your non-response (though you should reply to my messages right away, definitely.)
But what about those messages that require time to ponder? How can I keep a tidy inbox and still dedicate the care and attention I devote to correspondence? You can use reminder tools to help track your progress. Gmail provides tools such as Snooze, Add To Tasks, and Create Event. These built-in ways to revisit the email message make it easier to accomplish if you are unable to respond right away. Google Calendar makes it easy to schedule appointments for yourself, or deadlines to accomplish tasks. Speaking of tasks, instead of creating a calendar event, make it a task! Google Tasks roll along each day until you complete them, so you have the constant nagging reminder of that thing you promised yourself you would do.
There are any number of reminder and progress tracking apps and tools to help keep your inbox tidy. May the new year give you hope, less stress, and more happiness online.