Help at the Streamdesk

From the Streamdesk:
Are you curious about what happens at that computer desk off to the side during worship services? Would you be interested in learning about the worship technology that helps provide the livestream video and audio to worshippers online? I’d love to have some help with the broadcast on Sunday mornings. In fact, we’re looking at making some upgrades to the broadcast capabilities in the very near future that would offer some really exciting features.
Along with considering acquiring new remote controlled cameras, I am also very interested in enhancing the video production experience in various ways. It would be much easier to accomplish this if we could have at least two people at the streamdesk each week to operate the broadcast. Please contact me at if you’re interested in volunteering, learning more, getting a tour of the streamdesk, or contributing your thoughts about improvements we could make to broadcasting church services or other events such as weddings and funerals.