Rice County Habitat for Humanity
The Rice County affiliate of Habitat for Humanity was chartered in 1991 and built its first house in 1993 in Northfield. Since then the affiliate has partnered with 68 families to provide 62 new homes, two repairs and four recycled homes within Rice County. During the 2022 build season, five new homes will be completed in Faribault with five partner families consisting of eight adults and 21 children. The plan for the 2023 build season is to build three new homes in Dundas. Partner family applications are being accepted and reviewed. Partner families are selected using three main criteria: the need for housing; the ability to pay an affordable mortgage; and, the willingness to partner in sweat equity hours. More information about Rice County Habitat for Humanity can be found on their website at https://habitatricecounty.org.
NUMC is a Faith Builder Congregation along with 10 other congregations located in Dundas, Faribault and Northfield. Faith Builder Congregations are faith communities who have said YES to the following:
- Designate 2-3 people who will be advocates for Habitat within their faith community
- Commit to their church members volunteering with Habitat in some way throughout the year
- Commit to a financial contribution annually.
Dave Wolf and George Davis are the HFH Faith Builder representatives for our congregation. Contact them for more information about volunteering to help with local builds or providing snacks and meals for the on site volunteers. Build activity typically takes place on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Come join in building safe, affordable homes in our community. No prior experience is necessary – we’ll show you what to do! Go to this link - volunteer - to sign up either as an on site volunteer or meal provider.