Notes from the Parish Nurse - Food Connects Us

scale and fresh food

March is National Nutrition Month®. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has created the campaign annually since 1980 because of growing public interest in nutrition. “The campaign focuses attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits.” This year’s theme is “Food Connects Us.” We are connected with our cultures, our families, and our friends by the food we prepare and eat. “What’s more, health, memories, traditions, seasons, and access can all impact our relationship with food.” During National Nutrition Month we can learn about “these connections and how the food [we] eat impacts [our] health throughout life.” 

The website contains a lot of valuable information from The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics about exercise, wellness, and nutrition. Some of the topics covered are: 

• Eating Right and Reduce Food Waste 

• Eating Right on a Budget 

• Eating Right: Tips for Older Adults 

• Healthy Eating on the Run: A Month of Tips 

• Smart Snacking Tips for Adults and Teens 

• Smart Snacking Tips for Kids 

Sometimes people complain about becoming forgetful as they are aging. That can be caused by lack of sleep, genetics, physical activity level, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Another big factor in brain health is diet! Good blood flow to the brain helps boosts memory and brain function. Researchers have found that eating a Mediterranean Diet not only helps the cardiovascular system, but it helps keep aging brains sharp. The tip sheet “4 Types of Foods to Help Boost Your Memory” lists the following: 

• Eat your veggies: especially broccoli, cabbage, and dark leafy greens 

• “Be sweet on berries and cherries”: blackberries, blueberries, and cherries 

• Consume food containing omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, bluefin tuna, sardines, and herring 

• “Work in walnuts” by adding to oatmeal or salads, snacking on a handful, or mixing them into stir-fried vegetables for extra protein 

Whether we are young or old or somewhere in between, good nutrition is important to our health and well-being. Take a moment to check the above website and see if you can make some healthy changes in your diet.
