“What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” - Micah 6:8
Because of Us
This morning I learned
The English word gauze
(finely woven medical cloth)
Comes from the Arabic word [...] Ghazza
Because Gazans have been skilled weavers for centuries
I wondered then
how many of our wounds
have been dressed
because of them
and how many of theirs
have been left open
because of us
- Em Berry, New Zealand
May the Palestinian people forgive us for our collective inability to protect them, honoring the most basic meaning of international law. - Francesca Albanese UN Rapporteur to Palestine territories
God, lead us, that we may stand firm in faith for justice. Teach us love. Teach us compassion. Above all, our out of love and compassion, teach us to act. Amen - Iona Abbey Worship Book.
Wear a black ribbon on October 6, 7, & 8.
As October draws near, our hearts are heavy with grief and disbelief. How has the world allowed such unimaginable violence and the blatant disregard for basic human rights to persist?
Oct 6 - Palestinians in Gaza had lived for 17 years in an open-air prison. All Palestinians had experienced decades of suffering and oppression.
Oct 7 - Cannot be ignored. Israelis are still grieving for the tragic loss of loved ones and are anguishing for the return of captives.
Oct 8 - Israel began its genocidal attacks, which are ongoing with over 40,000 Palestinian lives lost. Since this date Israel's massacres against civilians in the Gaza strip have not stopped for a single day.
- This is a project of Nonviolence International, whose founder is Mubarak Awad, brother of Alex Awad.
Information sources:
• Our Methodist Liaison Officer, Rev. Jane Eesley, organizes bi-weekly Zoom sessions Wednesdays at Noon, lasting less than 1 hour (speaker + prayers). To receive Zoom links: office@mlojerusalem.org
• The Executive Director of Churches for Middle East Peace, Rev Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, gives a 10 minute update on news from the Holy Land every day. https:// www.youtube.com/@ChurchesforMEP/videos To learn more about MICAH: northfieldumc.org/micah