MICAH 2023 Highlights

MICAH highlights of 2023:
• MICAH’s 10th Anniversary year culminating in a Palestine Dinner on November 5th. Thank you to the many who supported this event with time and finances: Attendance was 93 , with $1,700 from tickets sales and donations sent to The Shepherd Society for support of needy Palestinians in Gaza and in the Bethlehem area.
• MICAH is assigned a new Bethlehem Family with two young children for needed sponsorship. Our former family is now financially independent.
• MICAH‘s logo was designed
• A Candle Lighting opportunity of Lament was offered several Sundays after worship following the Oct 7th tragedy in the Holy Land.
United Women of Faith (UWF) statement in support of a Ceasefire in Gaza.
United Women in Faith urges the Biden Administration and Congress to support the following statement and ask us to pray and act to support this statement. Thank you UWF!
• An immediate permanent ceasefire.
• Abidance of international humanitarian laws and release of all civilian hostages.
• Lifting the 16-year blockade on Gaza that has subjected 2.2 million Palestinians to collective punishment.
• Full, unhindered humanitarian access and delivery to all parts of Gaza.
• An end to providing U.S. arms to Israel and an overall arms embargo on the whole region.
• The inclusion of women, women’s organizations, and gender perspectives in peace negotiation and future resolution, complying with the global framework laid out in Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
To see the full press release: http://bit.ly/uwfgaza
MICAH hosting two February Forums 10:45-11:30 am
Fellowship Hall (West end)
Feb 04 A Modern View of Gaza Speaker: Fred Rogers
Feb 11 What are you doing to open Bethlehem before next Christmas? Speaker: Fred Rogers
Fred is probably the best expert in Northfield on this topic. He spent 10 weeks in the Holy Land last spring and has had connections to the area since high school.
The World Day of Prayer service on Friday, March 1st will be led by Palestinian Women. worlddayofprayer.net