Before Easter Joy
Before Easter comes with its joy, there is the final week with its dark sorrow. It is part of the Story. Look at it, we must. In The Last Week, What the Gospels Really Teach About Jesus’s Final Days in Jerusalem co-authors Marcus Borg and John Crossan do just that.
They begin each chapter - each day - with pertinent verses from the Book of Mark and go on from there Copies are found on the desk in the Church Library and on the library’s display in Fellowship Hall.
Post Easter, the sermon messages turn our attention to the Book of Acts. Studies of this book will be available. More reference works are found in the library, shelved on the far right.
This is a good time to remind you of the coverage of contemporary issues found in the periodicals subscribed to; the most recent issues are found in Fellowship Hall. Older copies are in the library.
As always, that room down the hall from the church kitchen is your room, with more magazines, more reference tombs, thought provoking nonfiction, and relaxing works of fiction. For all ages!