“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
The past few weeks have seen a dizzying number of dismaying actions at the federal level. Some family members, friends, neighbors and strangers have seen their lives turned upside-down; others live in fear that they may be next.
As the ISAIAH-MN newsletter of Feb. 11 expressed it: “In moments like these, it is easy to feel overwhelmed — to believe the lie that we are powerless, that the battle is too great, and that our communities are too fractured to resist. But the truth, as scripture reminds us, is that we are strongest when we are together.
We must not let chaos pull us apart. The tools of division — racism, fear, and scarcity — are nothing new; they are the weapons of empire used for generations to break our collective power. But we serve a God of justice, a God who calls us into beloved community, into the kind of unity that can withstand every assault. Now is the time to double down on our mission: building a multiracial democracy and a caring economy where all can thrive. We will not be distracted. We will not be divided. We will stay organized, rooted in faith, and focused on the work of love and liberation. Because together, bound in the strength of God’s justice, we are unbreakable.”
The state legislative session is well under way. As the month of March moves along, there may be times for our action by phone, email or in person. Members of the NUMC ISAIAH Team will receive email alerts as these opportunities arise. If you are not already a member of the team, please contact the church office.