This is a month for listening and speaking out; for clarifying and sharing our faith values, for preparing to choose the governmental leadership for our local, school district, county, state and national communities in November.
If you are wanting to vote absentee in the November 5 election and did not do that on your application for an absentee ballot for the August primary, apply now. You can do that online, or print the application from that website (and follow directions for returning it) at the MN Secretary of State website:…. Absentee ballots will be mailed out as early as September 20. Once you return your ballot, you can check the Secretary of State website to see if it has been delivered and accepted.
A recent ISAIAH-MN email challenges us with the following words:
“As people of faith, we are challenged to engage deeply with our democracy — not as passive participants, but as active agents of change. In this crucial time, when the weight of political decisions feels heavy, we are called to use our freedom not for selfish gain or fear mongering, but to create good in the world, to uplift our communities, and to work together for the common good.
Even when some seek to divide us by sowing seeds of fear and mistrust, we are called to be bearers of light, joy, and hope. Our faith is not in the fleeting promises of political leaders but in the enduring love and justice of our Creator God, calling us to be powerful political actors in our own right. We are not called to succumb to the anxieties of the moment, but to stand firm in our belief that we can tell a better story about the future — one rooted in love, equity, and justice for all. This is our prophetic task: to envision and work toward a future where all people are valued and where our collective actions reflect the divine love that binds us together.
As we approach the upcoming election, let us remember that our ultimate allegiance is to God and the just future we are co-creating with the Divine for one another. We must exercise our right to vote, engage in our communities, and use our agency to shape the state and country we need. But we must also keep our trust in the One who holds the future. In this trust, we find the courage to act, to hope, and to love. Together, we make our future.”
To more information or to join the NUMC-ISAIAH Team, contact Evelyn Burry, Team Leader (; or at 507-581-4684).