ISAIAH - MN State Legislators

The Minnesota state legislators are working hard and fast. By the time this report is published in the NUMC newsletter, all committee work will be done. Some actions will already have been brought to the House and Senate floors. But the deadline for this article came before specific actions could be listed. You’ll need to stay up to date by reading print or digital news or listening to news broadcasts.
ISAIAH team members have been active in advocating for particular bills by testifying in committee hearings and by contacting their legislators. Issues of particular importance focus in these four areas:
Child Care – A Great Affordability Scholarship Program to reduce childcare costs for Minnesota families is a top priority. Based on a sliding scale related to income, this plan would increase the number of families eligible for child care scholarships. It also asks for support of a living wage for child care workers.
Climate – Geothermal pilot projects are proposed. Using networked geothermal sources, we can heat and cool our homes without using fossil fuel. Pilot projects offer the opportunity to learn best practices.
Housing – Local zoning codes have made it difficult to find affordable housing throughout the state. HF4009/SF3964 and SF3980 would help create more types of homes that Minnesotans can afford whether they are first-time homeowners or older folks looking to downsize.
Healthcare – First steps towards a MinnesotaCare Public Option were taken in 2023. But additional steps are needed this year to continue planning for full implementation of a public option buy-in within the next few years.
For more information about any of these and suggested text to use with your legislators, contact Evelyn Burry, NUMC ISAIAH Team Leader (507-581-4684 or