It’s time to act for a strong democracy. Let your voice be heard!

On February 12 the MN state legislature will convene its 2024 session, addressing bonding requests and also taking action on proposed bills. Watch for calls to action on ISAIAH’s priorities: climate justice, expanding democracy, access to housing, healthcare, and childcare affordability.
On February 27, parties will caucus to endorse candidates – including representatives to the state legislature – and pass resolutions for possible inclusion in party platforms. Attend the caucus of your choice and introduce resolutions that are based on ISAIAH values.
On March 5, the Presidential Primary Election will be held in which you may vote on the ballot for just one of the political parties recognized in Minnesota – Republican, Democratic-Farmer-Labor, or Legalize Marijuana Now. You can also vote early during the 19 days prior to the election. If you prefer to vote absentee, you need to apply online or through your county’s election office. On that application for an absentee ballot, you will need to indicate the party for which you want a ballot and you will receive only that ballot in the mail.
The MN Secretary of State website, is the one-stop website. You can (1) register with your current address and/or (2) apply for an absentee ballot if you want to vote by mail.
Or you can contact your county’s election office in person or by mail. Find contact information for other counties on the MN Secretary of State website.
If you have other questions or wish to join the ISAIAH-NUMC Team, contact Evelyn Burry (507-581-4684 or )