ISAIAH--Faith in Democracy

Could a public option for health care coverage by useful for someone you know? Are you concerned that a significant number of Minnesotans are struggling to pay for health care costs? Learn how you can advocate to bring positive change.
Minnesota has the chance to be a national leader in health care reform by putting a strong Public Option in place.
The MNCare Public Option bill, which passed in the 2023 MN legislative session, gives small business owners, farmers, young people just rolling off their parents’ insurance, and anyone who doesn't have access to employer-based health insurance, access to high quality health care through MinnesotaCare. But it is not a done-deal; the bill it’s only the first step.
The 2024 legislative session will need to pass related bills as the Public Option moves into the implementation phase. Already the insurance industry is preparing to block these bills in an attempt to stop these critical reforms. We need to stand strong on behalf of ordinary people and ISAIAH is preparing to lead that effort.
Join this conversation with Rep. Kristi Pursell, Sen. Erin Murphy, and House Majority Leader Jamie Long to cast the full vision of a system where every Minnesotan gets the affordable health care they need, and strategize to make it a reality! Learn how you can advocate to make this reform a reality.
Register at or contact Evelyn Burry ( or 507-581-4684)who can answer any questions and help you register.
This event is cohosted by ISAIAH and the Minnesota Farmers Union.