Civic Discipleship

We can take a deep breath after the elections but our civic discipleship didn’t end there. We’ll soon need to go full-steam ahead in our work for justice.
The Minnesota State Legislature convenes on January 3rd and will be working diligently until it adjourns in late May. We, through ISAIAH-MN, are preparing to advocate for paid family and medical leave for all, 100% clean energy by 2040, automatic voter registration, restoring the vote to those who have served their time
in prison and much, much more.
In a recent article “Midterms Are Over; Our Civic Discipleship Isn’t,” posted on the Sojourners magazine website,, November 17, 2022, Adam Russell Taylor, wrote:
“But while voting has ended, the need for sustained civic discipleship has not. After all, voting, while essential, is just the starting point when it comes to following the mission Jesus outlines in his initial sermon in Nazareth to “bring good news to the poor … and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18-19). Civic discipleship recognizes that in our democracy — imperfect as it may be — fulfilling Jesus’ call to bring God’s reign of justice, righteousness, and inclusive love closer to earth requires that we are actively and at times courageously engaged in our politics. The marriage of our civic participation with being followers of Jesus is rooted in the conviction that our deep civic engagement is because of our faith, not despite it.”
December provides one learning opportunity, as you prepare to advocate more effectively. Join ISAIAH-MN Thursday, December 15th on Zoom from 6:00-7:30 pm for Race Class Gender Narrative training. This training will equip you with updated tools and skills to have conversations with neighbors, family members, and public officials alike. You'll learn the research based and tested, most winning messaging framework to move people to the best versions of themselves, making more possible for all of us. Several NUMC members have taken this course and found it helpful. Register here:
In January, as the legislature begins to formulate legislative actions, we will be sending alerts to those in our congregation who are willing to be active for racial and economic equity through their conversations with friends and neighbors, by contacting legislators, by writing letters supporting a justice action that is is under consideration and more. To receive calls to action, contact Evelyn Burry, 507-645-7481 or
May the true meaning of Christmas be with us throughout the coming year.